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Debtor Invoices

Field Description
Batch No Automatically allocated when a new form is first saved. Numbering is controlled by the form System Numbers field DBReceiptNo under the System menu
Type There are two options -
  • Normal that updates the General Ledger and Debtors when the form is activated; and
  • Template where repeating instructions are entered and the Auto Transactions process creates and activates new invoices
User Automatically updated with the user details of the person who first saved the form
Description Details that describe the reason for the invoices
Auto Activate When ticked saving the form automatically updates the General Ledger and Debtors and changes the status of the form to Closed
Repeating Every Field is enabled when Type = Template. Options are Days and Months so to repeat every week would be 7 days
Next Posting First date this Template is to be posted. This field is updated automatically based on the repeating instructions when Auto Transactions is run
Repeating End Tick the check box and enter in a date if this Template is for a limited time

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